Viewing entries tagged

Amazon Crime

Amazon Crime

This week Ged Smyth ( joins us as VR rewires our brains, Tesla charges our cars, and Amazon taketh way.

Building Microsoft

Building Microsoft

This week we acquire a movie studio, update our iPhones, combat narcissism, build Microsoft apps, jump into a Tesla to play videogames, wander around IKEA's smarthome, and bask in 80s animated fan service.

Ride the Lightning

Ride the Lightning

This week newly ordained MOMENTOUS entertainment correspondent Ged Smyth ( of Fabulous Flix fills in for Tasia. We talk tech, cars (including the Ford F-150 Lightning EV truck) and a bunch of movie news.

Grey Justice

Grey Justice

This week we tackle everything from an even more desaturated Justice League to the worst type of piracy since "Don't Copy That Floppy."